
Popularity of Online Lending and Finance Predicted to Soar



Yorkshire-based loan software provider Nostrum have recorded a prominent increase in the number of online lending platforms, which could “ultimately lead to purely online self-managed processes for people borrowing money”. Norstrum also investigated the various types of borrowers they most commonly see, and all demonstrated some level of digital awareness of their finances.

Trust has previously been an issue for some, but the research found that 70% were “somewhat worried or very worried” about the security and protection of their online finances, which is a 7% decrease from 2013. The accessibility and democratisation of online finance, which allows people to take more control of the money they both borrow and invest is clearly proving more powerful. 65% reported their customer experience as positive, and the advent of ‘smartphone adoption’ has made the process even easier.

The Chief Executive of Nostrum, Richard Carter, commented on the findings: “Lenders have adapted and are now pre-empting consumers by providing the technology to manage the entire process in a way that meets their preferences.” The key to customer satisfaction appears to be control and freedom, we “crave immediacy and convenience” in Carter’s words, and online lending platforms are satisfying this need more and more.

Public awareness of Peer-to-Peer lending has also increased dramatically alongside this, increasing by a staggering 87% since 2013. Wellesley & Co.’s online application is a quick and easy three step process.

The initial approval takes a few minutes and the lender can choose any of the advertised terms and earn interest as soon as funds are committed. When using Wellesley & Co.’s platform, the lender manages their account online and can view up to date transactions and lent out monies instantly.

The success of various online lending platforms and the alternative finance sector can partly be attributed to good timing, development of the internet, competitive interest rates, but also its accessibility and its willingness to be attainable for all, as demonstrated by Nostrum’s findings.


Bear in mind

Wellesley Property Bond

  • The Wellesley Property Bond has a fixed rate and duration.
  • The Wellesley Property Bond is an ISA eligible investment, allowing you to earn tax free interest on your investment. Please note, tax allowances and the tax efficient benefit of ISAs could change in the future.

Your capital is at risk and interest payments are not guaranteed. Investment in any Wellesley Property Bonds are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). In the event of a loan default or if Wellesley Secured Finance Plc becomes insolvent, you may lose some or all of your investment, including interest payments due. If you are in any doubt about making an investment or do not fully understand the risks, you are strongly recommended to consult an independent professional financial adviser before you subscribe.

Wellesley is the singular name for the following collective of companies, Wellesley Group Limited (09811856), Wellesley & Co Limited (07981279) and Wellesley Finance Plc (08331511). Wellesley Secured Finance Plc was established as a special purpose vehicle for the sole purpose of issuing asset backed securities and is not part of Wellesley Group.

The information contained in this website has been approved as a financial promotion for UK publication by Wellesley & Co Limited (FRN 631197) who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Wellesley Property Bonds are issued by Wellesley Secured Finance Plc (the Issuer) and is not authorised or regulated by the FCA.

Wellesley & Co Limited and Wellesley Finance Plc are registered in England and Wales and their registered office and trading address is at St Albans House, 57/59 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4QX. The registered address for Wellesley Secured Finance Plc is at 1 Bartholomew Lane, London, EC2N 2AX.


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